Are you trying to find someone who can change your Life!

Komal singh
3 min readJan 17, 2019


Do you love me?

Are you trying to find someone who can change your life!

Are you trying to find someone who will love you unconditionally!

Or, Are you trying to find someone who will keep you happy every single day!

In search of this someone, you are completely lost. But do you know where that someone is? Go stand in front of the mirror

The mirror is your answer!

Yes, it’s you who can change your life. It's you who can get rid of all the sufferings, sorrow and pain. We try to find someone else to love and keep us happy. But, have you ever asked your self... How much do you Love yourself? Do you love yourself unconditionally? Have you ever thought, How can someone else Love you if you don't Love yourself!

Resentment, criticism, and guilt are the most harmful pattern. Releasing these can help you solve the greatest problem of your life. Do you know what problem is? Its just a thought and thoughts can be changed! So all your problem has a solution , and that is changing the thought. Wow, this is awesome. Lets, change our thoughts to positive ones. Self-acceptance and Self-approval are the keys to positive changes. Releasing the sorrow and forgiveness is the key to self-satisfaction.

When we really Love ourselves everything in our life works.

Life is really very simple. What we believe about ourselves and about life becomes True for us. The thoughts and feelings are created by us.No matter what the problem is, no matter how big or small, it is just an outer effect of inner thoughts. Most of the people I meet or talk with are always complaining about what they don't have, so they choose to only think negative about themselves. They often try to compare themselves and end up saying that, “I am not good enough” But for whom? and compared to what standard? Is there any specific way to compare ourselves by which we can grow and be positive about ourselves. Yes, It's by comparing yourself with what you were yesterday and trying to be the best version of yourself and not others!

Resentments, guilts, fear and criticism are the feelings that come from blaming others and no taking charge of your life. It is so foolish to punish ourselves in the present for something that happened in the past. The medicine to heal the soul is, “LOVING Yourself”

Love can have different meanings for all. For me, Love is feeling grateful for myself. Love is feeling great about being alive and being a beautiful soul! Love and accept yourself the way you are. There is no need for validating from others whether you are beautiful or look sexy or you are intelligent or anything else. Just feel what you want to feel about yourself and trust me others will also start feeling the same about you. Look into the mirror every morning and say aloud, “ I am so beautiful, intelligent, caring, loving, lovable (and anything that you want to add for yourself)”. You will feel different the entire day. You will feel energetic, confident and gradually by following this practice you will turn into the most impressive personality and everyone else will start falling in love with you no matter what you are. Self Love is the best form of love you can gift yourself.

Open a blank notebook and start writing those empty pages of your life!

Go grab a pen and a notebook and make a list of all the best qualities you have. If you love yourself you will attract more loving people around yourself. Love yourself and be grateful for your Life.

What is love according to you, Comment below and yes don’t forget to press the clap if you loved reading it!

